Welcome to Hummingbird Hill Homestead!
Hello there and welcome!
We are Ryan and Elisha and we are the stewards of Hummingbird Hill Homestead. We are located on 4 acres in Central Georgia. Our story is one of hope and healing, of mistakes and hard lessons, and of a faithful Father who has never left our side.
I’m Elisha and one of my responsibilities is documenting our journey. Ryan and I have known each other since we were 14, so our adventures began a long time ago! The Lord brought us together in 2005. Ryan and I married in 2006 and we haven’t slowed down since.
Although we have shared many adventures, the most challenging has been my health struggle. After years of declining health, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease with multiple co-infections and Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) in 2017 and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome in 2019. We also learned that the home we were living in at the time had hidden mold that developed from a 100-year flood event in 1994. The exposure to the mycotoxins from the mold and the accompanying bacteria and biological agents led to the exacerbation of my Lyme disease and a host of health issues for our entire family.
Through prayer, the Word, and much divine inspiration and instruction, we are working on getting back to where we need to be. We have learned that homesteading is just one of the ways the Lord has provided for our healing.
Please join us on our path to healing and homesteading!